Pacific Reef Savers Ltd

Pacific Reef Savers Ltd

  Pacific Reef Savers (PRS) was created to address some of the environmental challenges faced by Pacific Island communities.  The key areas of expertise are Solid Waste Management and recycling, where technical assistance with project design, management and implementation in the waste management field is provided. 

PRS provides Technical Assistance (TA) and consultancy services for solid waste management project design and implementation, with particular expertise in;

  • Container Deposit Legislation (also called 'Bottle Bills' and 'deposit/Refund recycling)
  • Lead-acid battery recovery and recycling;e-waste collection, processing and shipment
  • Pre-paid garbage bag systems
  • Government policy development
  • Plastic bag reduction strategies
  • Integrated Solid Waste Management system development;Dry - compost - toilet design and use.

PRS was set up 20 years ago, initially to install fixed moorings in coral reefs to address anchor damage by visiting boats, and also to design and install solar PV systems for remote locations, hence the name. The mooring functions have been sold, and PV design and installation is today readily available locally in the Pacific.

The Managing Director of PRS, Alice Leney, wrote an educational handbook for Pacific Islands in 1994 "Rubbish No More" of which four editions were produced and distributed around the Pacific in the following decade. Subsequently, with waste management reaching crisis point in many small island nations, PRS work has focused on this field.


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